
Download this repository using Git

$ git clone
$ cd humansignals-devops/ansible

Create a hosts file with your data

Use this command to create a hosts file with your credentails such as destination IP and user with sudo privileges.

$ VM_IP=<destination IP> VM_USER=<sudo user> envsubst < hosts.example > hosts

Set your domain

  1. Open the group_vars/humansignals.yml
  2. Change the value

Certificate configuration

If you want to use Let's Encrypt certificate:

  1. Open the group_vars/humansignals.yml
  2. Change the production value to true

Clickhouse configuration

If you want to use external ClickHouse cluster:

  1. Open the group_vars/humansignals.yml
  2. Change the clickhouse.internal value to false
  3. Set all other clickhouse.* values

ClickHouse version must be >=21.6.0 and <22.4.0. Humansignals may not work correctly with another version.

Install Ansible dependencies

$ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Run Ansible Playbook

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts main.yml

Now you have to wait ~30 minutes.

Check your HumanSignals installation

  1. Open the web browser
  2. Enter your domain or use the default
  3. Congratulations! 🎉🎉🎉